Spencer, Saucy and Sami Cami came over last evening while Sean2 (that's my sister Sara's husband for anyone who doesn't know. My Sean is Sean1, since he joined the family first.) and Sara went on a date. I haven't had many chances to hold little Sami Cami (Okay, it's Samantha Camilla and goes by Cami, but we can't help ourselves). She is a month old and it's my favorite age, but darn that little Tori who is a little possessive of her mommy. But last night I did get to hold her a little between naps. Spencer and Saucy spent the night and it was interesting and not too bad getting them all bathed last night and ready for church by 8:45 this morning. And that includes 5 girls hair and Spencer's hair. I am amazing :) Okay, I had some help.
Cami was blessed today. It was wonderful to hear the blessing
Have I mentioned how much hair Tori has? She had a headband in her hair today, not just because it went with the outfit. Good grief! It makes her look older than her 8 1/2 months.
Well, our boo boo quilt challenges are due on the 8th. Mom got her quilt top all finished and it's all pinned together, she just has to bind it and quilt it! I haven't started... WHAT A SURPRISE! It might be a little more difficult to finish, I mean start, now that I am working. If you don't know what Project Linus is, I added a link to my favorites. I have three blankets that I would like to get finished by blanket day, but I will be lucky just to finish the boo boo quilt.
Speaking of work...I love it! I didn't get to go on Friday, seeing as how there was about 8 inches of snow on our road. (I don't get this weather...it's ice, it's a rain storm, it' s a snow storm, it's thundering and lightening - yes, today it thundered and lightninged (as I shake my head in disgust) all in the same week!) But it is great. The people I work with are wonderful. The teacher, whose classes I am responsible for as a family service worker is just a ball of sunshine, but I haven't seen her too much yet. The three ladies that I share an office space with are all very sweet. Peggy has been there about 3 years (?) and is very quick to answer any questions that we have. Tammie and Michelle started with me, so Peggy gets lots of questions from us. So far, we all work well together. Peggy is a blogging queen! She has the Jankowski Family Blog and is great at posting! I am amazed!
I enjoy going over to Site 2. I love all the children and I love seeing my own. On Wednesday, Tammie and Mary (who has been training us) were going through a recipe book over at site 2 and found a Red Velvet Cake. They said, "I bet Amy could make that! Hey, Amy, can you make this?" I told them that I could with a recipe, so they were going to make a copy for me. On Thursday, they asked if I had made it, and remembered that the copy machine still wasn't working, so they had me copy it down by hand. Tonight I made the cake. I don't know how it tastes, but hopefully it will pass the test.
I hear lots of noise upstairs. I probably should go check it out. I also have to make sure they haven't decided to eat the cake. I have been worrying about that. I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend and please encourage Sean to add some more! He said he did his one.
Loved the pictures! Wish I could have been there for the blessing. Miss you guys! Hey, Max, keep on posting! I enjoyed the song about nothing!
I tried your cell but it's not working. And everytime I wanna call it'd be too late to call the house. And it's strange that you probably go to bed early now that you have work in the morning. I have a feeling that the time difference is no longer going to work, I used to be able to call at 10 my time and midnight yours. Alas.
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