There hasn't been any big or exciting new here, just that I seem to be on the run all the time. Tuesday was Blue and Gold Banquet for the Cub Scouts and the theme was Chinese New Year. I don't know about your areas, but here in Decatur, you just don't find much for that. I did get some material and started making runners. But Sean ended up finishing them and ironing them.
Work has been good. I still enjoy going everyday and look forward to the next. I am getting the hang of things, which is nice. Michelle and then Tammie have come to work feeling miserable. We have heard too much about the staff that keeps taking off work for the littlest things, so it's hard for us to miss. I made Tammie go home on Friday after she got done with her monthly tracking (not that she was fighting me about it). I am worried that I am next, but luckily, I have been spared. We are working on the March parent meeting and the three of us are in charge of the monthly
Tori is pulling herself up these days. Which makes bedtime a little bit harder. But it's so cute to see her with that big grin that says "I did it!" She sure is growing up quickly! Those legs are soooo chunky! She is finally getting one of her top front teeth in and soon we can't call her a vampire.
It's good to have Sean home for the weekend. It goes by so slowly when he works and so quickly when he doesn't. I better go . Things to get ready for, stuff to buy, kids to play with, and rooms to clean.
I love when you post movies of the kids! It is so wonderful to see them! Even it does make me miss you all even more! Can I make a request of Cami pictures? I am sure she looks a lot different now that she is a couple months old!
Cute video! I was patiently waiting for your next post because I love the updates, but I get that sometimes it is just too crazy to find the time!
I love my baby, er I mean our baby, er I mean your baby. Dang it!
P.S. Yay! Another video! You know I now expect at least one video in every post! If not, you better head to the ATM...because there will be heck to pay! :)
Did you get my cookie e-mail? Need to know how much I owe for my cookies! Payday was today.
Go to this link. I think that we need to do this to Michelles desk sometime when she is not there.
Hello! I was so surprised to see a comment on my blog from you! I just read all your blog entries. Your hands are full!!!! I am glad to see all is well.
Amy Ray
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