Yesterday we had some sad news from the bridge behind our house. At about 1pm I heard a loud crash, like snapping or something and Belle said to Olivia, "Did that scare you?" I went to our room, which provides a great view of the bridge and there was a bit of hurried activity and a guy running to the road, like he was waiting for someone. Moments later came the firetrucks, ambulance, and police. They had quite a time getting down there and getting the guy out, but they managed. Unfortunately, the man didn't make it. I guess a cable snapped on the pile driving crane that was just putting in a huge steel beam. Here is the story. Here is the Newspaper's story. They have been investigating all night long and lights are still on out there. There was some of the trestle that broke, so they have to hurry and get that fixed before any trains can cross.
On a lighter note. Tori is really taking off. The most I have seen her go is about 7 steps without holding on. But she is so top heavy (:)) and gets so excited that she has a hard time keeping balanced. It's fun to watch.
The kids are doing the library program and enjoying getting read to, or in Belle's case - reading. She loves to read to the others. It is so cute to watch. They earn prizes if they meet the goal they made at the last library visit. So we have library books all over this big house and I know I won't be able to find them all. There's positive thinking for you.
We are all in our correct bedrooms now! Cribs and clothes have been moved. Office has been cleared out. Cots have moved. Etc... If any of you have seen Mom's office, you would be so amazed at how well she has done clearing it out. Dad has done a wonderful job making room for her too! Her office space looks so neat and organized! Blessing in disguise :) We need to get to the storage unit and bring over beds/bunk beds, couches, and other various things in order to really get moved in, but that might need to wait till Sean's next weekend off. And a fixed truck...
All the Maxey Grandkids
And here is Devon's trick...