Well, we are alive. After much prodding from others, including Sean, I am giving a "brief" update of our lives. Here it goes...
We moved! We were renting our house and situations changed, so we needed to move out. We were staying at my parents while we were searching for a home that would fit us just right. It's not easy when you are looking for a place that takes 2 adults, 5 small kids, a dog, 3 guinea pigs, fish, frogs, and snails... Well, Mom had come home one evening after being gone all day (I blame it on short term memory - she had already forgotten the chaos of all of us being in her home) and said that we should just move in with them! After discussing it further with Sean and Dad (at different times), we decided it was the way to go. They have 5000+ square feet after all, which includes 3 1/2 baths, 5 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, tv room, play area, basement, office, etc...so, here we are. We can
I am currently off for the summer. I have enjoyed being with the kids more. Being gone all day has made me appreciate the time I do have with them. Although the trip to Ohio was wearing me out. Especially since I was with my in-laws with out Sean most of the time. Since he had to work, he drove us over and came right back home so that he could get to work. He drove all day in order to get to work just in time - 12 hours later he was ready for sleep. He then drove over to get us. He had been working the weekend and after his Sunday shift he went home, took a shower, and then drove 7 1/2 hours to come get us. We did let him rest a little and didn't leave the very next day. But we left on Wednesday so that he could be to work that evening. Our water pump went out in Canal Winchester (just south of Columbus) and put us a couple of hours behind, but the auto mechanics were great (if you ever have car problems in that area, go to Hoffman's and they will
Caleb is ready for kindergarten. He got rave reviews from his teachers and is surprising us with all that he knows. Belle finished 2nd grade with flying colors and is moving on to 3rd grade,
So glad to see that you are alive and well!
I have been missing you so much!!! I was glad to get a glimpse of you here!!! I love reading your posts--don't stop!
You are alive!! Thanks for updating. Hope you are getting settled in. Only one more month left and then back to the grind!
I enjoyed reading the update. Thank you for making the time.
It sounds like your new arrangement is good for all parties.
Your family needs to plan a vacation to Maine. We'd love to see you. The kids would LOVE the beach.
Yeah, an update! Sounds like you are all doing well. How fun to have live-in help! Hopefully you will find time to keep us updated now and then before you head back to work! Enjoy your break!
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