I know, I know.... It's ridiculous! How can I go so long without adding anything? With five kids (and one on the

way, by-the-way), you would think I would have plenty to write about! Oh, I do! But the time seems to fly away from me. I am at work all day sitting in front of a computer, not doing much because it is so slow right now, that when I get home and don't have to worry about quota time, I don't want to be on the computer. Oh well. Let's see...Olivia and Nora are enjoying school and their teachers are enjoying them (I guess they are sweet and obedient in class, who knew?). We just got their proofs back from the school photographer and should be getting the actual pictures back soon. Caleb

and Isabelle and now both going to John's Hill and are also brown nosers, or so I hear. I can't believe that Caleb is in kindergarten already. Isabelle has moved up to the third floor, where the third - fifth grades are. I hate those stairs! Nora will be joining them next year and I just shake my head.
Sean still works nights as the shift supervisor and does well at it. His boss doesn't want to change that because no one else would take that job and not need hand holding. So I guess they love him at work. He has two guys that he works with and they all seem to work well together. It helps that one guy's wife and the other guy's girlfriend are sisters.
Tori is growing way too quickly. She will be 18 months in just 8 days! Yes, we are counting down! It will be so great to put her in nursery without feeling guilty that she is 2 weeks early. :) I have been so tempted to cut off her hair. It is driving me crazy! Besides the food in it at all times, she pulls out her hair pretties and it hangs in her face like cousin it. It's a bit amusing to watch her try to look up at you

through that hair. She has graduated to the bottom bunk of the bunk bed she now shares with Caleb. She can definitely get down on her own. Saturday I went in to see if she was awake and I couldn't find her. I got a little panicked and checked the other bedrooms only to come back and search her room again. I finally found her UNDER the bed, sound asleep...That's my baby...
Okay, I guess that's enough for now. Maybe I will come back soon.? Who knows.
Nice post. I enjoyed the pictures. I was wondering just today why you haven't blogged in so long. Then, voila!
WOW it's a miracle. I didnt ever think I would see you blog again!!
Tori and Amelia sound a lot alike. I can't wait for nursery (legal)!! And Amelia always has hair in her face. And pulls on it all the time. Cute kids, when is the next one coming?
Welcome Back!!! Love the pics!
Great pictures, Amy! They are all so cute. So Caleb and Isabelle are brown-nosers. Ha ha! Nice to hear you're all doing well.
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