This is it. I am attempting this blogging thing. Time sure does fly when you are having fun?! Sean and I have been married for 8 1/2 years and what do we have to show for it? 5 kids, a dog, a house, 2 guinea pigs, 3 snails, 2 frogs, and 7 fish. If only we could get rid of the dog...:)

Isabelle will be turning 8 in August, which she is very excited about! She can't wait to be baptized and she thinks she wants an American Girl doll for her birthday. She is in 2nd grade and I guess she is in the gifted program. They don't tell me anything about it and the report card doesn't say much. I was getting letter grades when I was in second grade. Her report cards are simply "Doesn't meet state standards", "Meets state standards", and "Exceeds state standards". Not to put down the education system, but what in the heck does that mean? Those standards aren't that high... She continues to be my big helper and is always asking what she can do. Got to love that!
Caleb will be 5 in just two months! He is in preschool but is very ready for kinderga

rten. He's got his name down, numbers 1 - 20, colors, shapes, and some other letters. When I visit his class, they go on and on about how wonderful he is. Well, they should see him at home ;) He loves spending time with his cousin, Spencer. They are in the same primary class and can be seen running down the halls holding hands. I need to put a stop to that I think.

Eleanor turns 4 in July and loves attention. And she gets it. I think it's the eyes. And the constant, huge, smile. She is also in preschool and is coming along nicely. I have to admit, I love sending them off to school Monday - Thursday. They are gone for about 5 hours and it gives Olivia and Tori time to get some much needed Mommy Attention. Nora just started primary this year and it is fun to watch her in there. She is quite the drama queen, but she is generally happy.
Olivia will be 3 in August. She had a hard time talking at first,

but now she just goes and goes and goes and goes and goes (you get the idea). We still don't understand her a good bit of the time, but that doesn't stop her. No matter what I do, she always looks like a rag-a-muffin. I think she looks forward to going to preschool in the fall. She watches Caleb and Nora get on the bus and wants to be on there too. She is starting to show a little interest in potty training, but not enough to be serious. I look forward to just one diapered bottom for awhile. Livy still has a pacifier, but we have gotten it down to sleeping time only. The goal is: No pacifier by age 3. Hopefully sooner.

Victoria will be 1 in May. My baby is getting so big! She is crawling all over (actually she lunges forward, but it's the same results). I always get comments on her hair. She has a ton. I think she has more than her cousin, Saucy, who just turned 2 in November. People say she looks like Nora. I guess I see it :)

She is so smiley these days. And it shows off her vampire teeth. She has two middle teeth on bottom and her two canine teeth on top. weird! She rolls all over in her walker and loves her johnny jump up. She also loves food. I have yet to find something that she won't eat, and she gets what ever we are eating, so she has had a large variety. She loves her naps and loves her sisters and brother. They adore her. She spent a couple of days in the hospital at the beginning of the month with RSV, but she did great and was all smiles (unless they were suctioning her nose).

Sean just started working at Caterpillar as a crane inspector. He works 12 hour nights and about 3 1/2 nights a week, so every other weekend we mess up his schedule so that he can spend time with us. He still works on getting books onto our online bookstores, and has people calling him to come fix this or that. Basically, I feel like I hardly see him. But we will adjust. He has started working with the scouts again. But now he is working at the district level. He is the activities chairman. He is also very creative and built our

guinea pigs' cage out of material we had out in the garage. The pigs love it and so do I. He is so cleaver! This picture is of him wearing his present from Caleb (the 6xl shirt :) ), and the gift from the Sterlings (John Deere suspenders that he has labeled his Sunday Suspenders and has worn them every Sunday since he got them).

I just got a job with Head Start as a family service worker. I don't start until Monday, and I am excited and scared at the same time. I haven't had a job outside the home since before I was pregnant with Isabelle! So Sean will watch the kids during the day, while he sleeps, and I have them after 4 o'clock. I guess we will see how it will work out. I am the music leader in primary and just love it! I also am the cub committee chairman and am surprised by how much I enjoy that! Sean and I just became the unit commissioners for our wards troop, team and pack, so we are attempting to help them get on track, since we just split the scouts from the 2nd ward and we got a new bishopric. It's a bit crazy to say the least. I still enjoy making blankets and have made a couple for new babies and project linus. I have 3 that I need to get done by the 8th of Feb. so wish me luck. I alway did do best under pressure :)
Well, I guess that's enough information for now. I hope all is well with all of you!
Welcome to the blogosphere. I wish I didn't have to use my Google account to comment :(
Why do you hesitate to criticize the education system? It's broken. That needs to be said.
Thanks for the Maxey update! I sure need to call.
So you were just sitting around, wondering what to do with all your free time and decided, "I need to start a blog AND get a job"!? Good luck with all of that--especially the new job. I'll be interested to know how it goes.
I enjoyed reading your blog Amy. So nice to know how everyone is doing! Congratulations to you both on your new jobs.
Keep us posted! :-)
Hey honey. I expect a call on Monday evening. I want to know how the first day on the job goes! It's so weird that you're doing the same position I did when I first got hired last year! Woohoo! I'm sure you'll love it. And we'll now have even more inside jokes and a private language and terms that no one understands but us!
Hi Amy! Wow, lots going on in your world. Happy to be able to come to the blog and check in since we don't get to see you all much. Congrats on both your jobs. Welcome to the working mom world. It's not all it's cracked up to be sometimes but it just has to be done sometimes too. Don't forget to somehow squeeze in a break for you & Sean at some point. It's definitely needed when both are being pulled so many different directions. I wish I'd take my own advice! HAHA
Keep "Blogging?" and let us know how it's going.
Love and miss you all!
Love the blog, thanks for the inspiration!
I love that you have a blog. I tried to keep track of people on Facebook, but I like the blogging thing so much more! You family is adorable and it is great to see you and Sean doing so well. Good luck on the new job! I look forward to keeping up w/ the latest through your blog.
Pretty good looking blog
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