Isabelle was a perfect child. We found so much joy in parenthood and were anxious for our second. It took a while, but we finally got Caleb. To start off with, he was huge (for me). At 8lb 14oz, the doctor told me that I would not be able
Even at a very young age, he was good at getting into things. In the first picture, he did have help with the baby powder and, to be honest, it might have been Belle's idea, but he doesn't look too upset. He did have a tendency towards liquids - soaps, cleaners, foods, etc...which made it that much harder to clean up.
We moved to IL and it continued. A large jug of laundry detergent all over the laundry room floor, potato flakes all over the kitchen floor, cereal all ove
But what I remember the most was when I was 36 weeks along with Olivia. Nora was only about a year old and I was so tired and frustrated with him. Rooms and closets had to have hook and eyes and had to be sure to be locked at all times. He sensed when the lock wasn't on. This particular Tuesday morning, he had dumped the cereal everywhere. I sent him out of the kitchen and started cleaning up. I next found him with the toothpaste in my room on the floor. I was down on my hands and knees (very pregnant) cleaning it up and I turn around and he has poured the expensive and stinky T-gel shampoo all over the bathroom and hall. I take him downstairs and sit him at the table for lunch and go clean up the mess, again. I come back down and he has dumped the doritoes all over the recently swept floor! I couldn't handle it any more!! I decided then and there that it was time to go back on my depression medicine. If I wanted to keep an
So, on Thursday I had a doctor appointment in the afternoon. That morning I was sitting in a chair in my room facing the hall and stairs and talking to my sister, Jodi on the phone. Caleb had dumped all his books off of his shelf, so I sent him in there to clean up, knowing that he wouldn't clean, but maybe it would give me a little break. I had my eye on the stairs, making sure that he didn't go down, but I guess Jodi distracted me. The next thing I know, our cat, Bullseye comes walking in covered in brown stuff. I thought "What in the heck?!" As he came over, I realized he was covered in Hersey's Syrup! I mean covered! I had the phone in one hand, talking to my sister, and the cat in the other and had no clue what to do. I was dumbfounded.
I carried the cat down the stairs and opened the front door and just threw him out. He could clean himself. I knew I was going to have bigger problems. As I surveyed the living room, my heart just dropped. I started getting a little hysterical and told Jodi I had to go. There was syrup by the diaper closet, on the floor and the walls, and as I turned the corner, I saw that it was along the piano bench, in a puddle on the rocking chair, along the floor to a puddle on the couch. Basically, it was all over. I hung up with Jodi just as Sean pulled up and I meet him in the kitchen just bawling. He holds me as I am crying and tells me not to worry, he would take care of it. He sends me off to get ready for my doctor appointment and in walks Mom and my sister, Sara. Jodi had called and begged Mom to come over and help. Jodi had felt completely helpless, so she called someone who could help. Mom and Sara watched the kids, Sean washed the carpet and cleaned the chairs, couch and walls, and I went to the doctor and begged for my Wellbutrin. Dr. Byrkit didn't hesitate.
That is my b
He has taught Nora well and she has done plenty of things herself, but thankfully, it's not been as much. You would think at four, that he is doing better, but just the other day, he took an orange paint stick and wrote all over one of his bedroom walls. Then he scratched his name on the kitchen table and tried to blame it on Belle. When that didn't work, he tried Nora. Nora can't even write her name yet, let alone Caleb's. But with tears in
Oh, I am glad you wrote all this down! It's sad, but very funny too. The pictures really help too! Too bad you didn't have one of Bullseye covered in chocolate!
Yeah, I was a little too upset to think about taking pictures at the time. :)
I realize that at the time all this was happening, the hillarity of it all wasn't on your mind, but I am soo glad there is someone else out there that makes me feel like all this chaos is normal!! I loved reading this blog. Your miserable day with the syrup reminds me of one of my first posts. It is older so I am not sure if you have read it, but it was my all time low. It is called "Not quite mother of the year material." If you get a sec you should read it because I have a feeling it will echo too many of your days too! It is a good thing our kids are so cute or they probably would have been shipped off to some orphanage long ago!!!
Wow,'ve got your work cut out for you! You certainly have stories to tell, and it's great how you are keeping a record of it, complete with details, and the thoughts and feelings that were going through your head.
That was awesome of Jodi to call Mom, and wonderful to have Mom and Sara (and of course Sean) there and eager to help.
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